S1 - Another Day

By S1

Trains - all on track!

CJ and I both woke up with colds. Not feeling to bad we still headed out for lunch with B&L. CJ behaved perfectly, except for his normal trick of not eating lunch. And he did a great job at entertaining us by pointing out every bus, van, truck or dog that went past. It was great catching up with them - will have to do it again soon.

However, as the afternoon progressed, so did our colds.

All CJ wanted to do was sit quietly and line up his trains on the track. When he's that quiet you know something is wrong.

By the time S2 got home, all CJ would do was cuddle... His cold had turned into an extremely high fever. And unfortunately I wasn't much better.

S2 and I spent half the night watching poor little CJ and checking that his temp was heading down! Luckily, once the temp started going down, it stayed down, so we could all get some much needed sleep!

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