Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Toddlers Rules

Seriously, you'd think after having three daughters already that I would have learnt the Toddlers Rules.

Where Aj is concerned.... Clearly not!! She is a force to be reckoned with. A 2 year old that knows exactly what she wants, how she wants it, where she wants it and when she wants it. However, most of the time it is something that belongs to someone else (quite often me or R&P), something that we are using at the time and something that she believes is hers. And to top it off, she has the most cheeky, heart-melting and comical smile that when she takes said item, it is near impossible to be cross with her.

This photo is one of those moments... We arrived to pick DM up from school 10 minutes too early. Not wanting to ignore her, I invited her to sit in the front with me. I put the seatbelt on her to show her that we have to sit nicely in the front and that lasted all of two minutes. She went straight for the release button and within 20 seconds had found out how to work it. The next 5 minutes were spent putting the seatbelt on and taking it off. This was then followed by a screaming session because she really had to take the seatbelt off so that we could collect DM. Passers-by thought she had hurt herself, by the way she was so distraught. But no, it was simply because she hadn't finished playing.

However after a few minutes of waiting for DM to come out from school, her mood has changed and she's running around on the grass (that she knows I don't like - and always checks that I'm watching her before she steps on it) - the cheek!!

That's what she is, our cheeky little purple minion.

And we love her more so for it ;)

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