With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


This is the school the boys attend and where I taught last year. The cloisters are on yesterday's blog. The shot was taken through the botanic gardens.


Wiki - The form Babylon is the Greek variant of Akkadian Babilu (b?b-ilû, meaning "Gateway of the god(s)", translating Sumerian Ka.dingir.ra). In the Hebrew Bible, the name appears as ??? (Babel), interpreted by Book of Genesis 11:9 to mean "confusion" (of languages), from the verb balbal, "to confuse".

The morning included tea with my Argentinian friend Claudia who is going to live in Cardiff for a while to improve her English, and meanwhile making posh pasta to earn some money. The multilingual conversation drifted, when we were joined by the owner of a language school, to the local economy. There are so many people here who are talented and willing to work hard. The current climate is pushing everything underground, unemployment is high and destined to be worse here in Spain, and particularly in the Balearics. We wished for some kind of collective to be possible for the enterprising. The council seem unhelpful.

So this gateway to the mountains is not quite burning, but certainly in confusion.

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