
By Spilmah

My Last Dog Match

Today was a sort of sad day as I have resigned from Bedford Canine & district Committee, I have been on the committee for nearly 6 years, and the time had come when I just couldn't do anymore, so tonight was the last time I made the Tea's and Coffee's at the monthly Dog Match.

I took several photos but I liked this one of Panda ( not my Dog ) asking Jill if she could help!! LOL

Funny how life changes, I don't really show my dogs anymore, but Im always out and about with my camera, Im still enjoying my life just as much, but I just seem to fill it with different things, Im sure most people are the same, all good things have to come to an end,
I wish Bedford Canine continued sucsess for the future and I shall still keep in touch with everyone ;-)

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