
By RunAndrewRun

Run Scotland Run

Bit of a tight schedule today ...

... as you can see from the picture, was lucky enough (via my brother) to have a ticket for the Scotland V England rugby match! Not the best of games, but we had a good afternoon drowning our worries beforehand, and our sorrows afterwards ;-)

But, before all that - I did manage an early-morning 10-miles ... bit slower than normal (minor tweak in my right knee) but still generally okay:

Today's figures

Date: 8/02/14
Height: 6 ft 4inches
Weight: 15stone 5pounds
Distance run: 10-miles
Pace: 11-mins/mile

Rest/recovery day tomorrow ... and then, here's my plan for next week:

MONDAY - cycle-commute and rest day thereafter :-)
TUESDAY - cycle-commute and gym, then swim, at Dalry
WEDNESDAY - short run of at least 5-miles and cycle-commute thereafter
THURSDAY - cycle-commute and gym, then swim, at Dalry
FRIDAY - short run of at least 5-miles and cycle-commute thereafter
SATURDAY - rest day!
SUNDAY - long run: needs to be at least a half-marathon!

And, as ever, all the details on why I'm undertaking this slightly mild-insanity can be found here.

And if you want to sponsor me - which will help the wonderful Venture Scotland, and also help to keep my motivation up! - then all the relevant details are on my JustGiving page here :-)

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