
By duchamp


The Monty Python walking heron made another rare appearance.

Thought I'd only have a few seconds before it took off again so grabbed the camera and got in position for the dramatic Heron In Flight Shot.

But heron didn't take off.

Heron discovered a thousand ways to clean itself, relieve itself, fidget, yawn, sleep, do absolutely anything except a funny walk or fly off dramatically.

Planets revolved, beards grew, trams passed.

Heron flew off.

Damn, wait, not now, I was aiming in the direction you flew last time, I'm not in focus, no zoom, don't go down there... snap.

So that's why you see a tiny heron flying towards a wall of trees in an overly processed attempt to combat a blurry, unzoomed original.

And to any herons reading this, I'll be back... faster, stronger, fitter, just you...


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