
Apologies to those who have already commented...I put this blip on the wrong date by posting it in a hurry earlier!!

Blipmates including Miffy and snapshots of rural France have been blipping their photos of themselves in childhood.

As part of my Special Birthday celebrations a couple of years ago, my brother sent me some photos he'd managed to get digitalised from the old slides. They are the very few pictures I have of myself in childhood and many are too small to 'blip'!

I don't think I've blipped this before, though I know I've put it on Facebook :) I believe this was taken in our back garden circa 1963/4. I wanted to post another one of myself and my brother at an auntie's wedding, but it was way too small unfortunately...

Tagged OldFashionSP

Unfortunately I can't view the tag as 'search' is being maintained (and has been for at least 2 days!)...has anyone else had this message?

Stay safe everyone in the UK, the flooding is really bad I know.

Yesterday afternoon a local cemetery (not really that far from me) flooded over 2 feet of water and the road behind it full of houses was also flooded (the last time that happened was in the storms of 2007). Definitely time the Government stopped pussyfooting around over the flood defences!!!

Another easy day for me, church, then trying to find my passport for CRB purposes (arrrrgh).... Oh and some ironing of my uniforms, ready for my week long work!

Apologies if I am behind with commenting this next week, it is going to be very hard to keep up...

Happy Sunday folks :)

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