a door of happiness

By brianckl


I is for incessant, as in the incessant rain we had today. I was going to go with irritating, but I decided to be ever so slightly less negative! I was really irritated this afternoon by so many things — the crowds, as usual, the dreary weather, how I couldn't find anywhere to sit to kill some time, how the cafe I eventually found a seat in charged a service charge for basically just bringing out my tea (and not even clearing tables). But nobody likes a whiner (therefore pretend I did not write the previous sentence)!

I didn't like this shot when I took it, so I actually went down to take a few more shots from a horizontal perspective as well as more pictures of other people holding umbrellas. But this turned out rather well on a bigger screen, despite me not quite getting the white balance right.

I hope this shot will be the end of my current blip slump, although my 'life slump' may last for a while more. This weekend was pretty stressful, but not entirely free from joy. One of my students said to me today, 'I love you, Mr Brian', and when I asked why, she said, 'Because you're a good teacher.'

How simple love is in the eyes of a child! Ever since I started teaching I've been so struck by the innocence of children. It makes me sad how we adults overcomplicate and overthink — or is it just me? These Switchfoot lines (and the way Jon Foreman sings them) make me tear up just a bit every other time I listen to them:

Remember that kid with the quivering lip
Whose heart was on his sleeve like a first aid kit
Where are you now? Where are you now?

Remember that kid, didn't know when to quit
I still lose my breath when I think about it
Oh, where'd you go?
(Oh where'd you go?)


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