Happy Birthday Mum.

Today my wonderful Mum celebrated her 88th Birthday! She had a lovely day - the cards, flowers,phone calls, text messages, e mails poured in as Mum is so well loved by so many. My friend Carole made Mum a lovely cake - Carole's cakes are to die for - and she and Di came for tea. The balloon was from Anthony, one of her her grandsons,his wife Hali, and Bella, their cat.

Mum was so gracious in not minding my taking an hour out of her day for me to meet up with some Blippers in Bushy Park. This had been organised by Cheryl AKA GeekMeek. She even managed to organise some extremely gusty conditions and waves on the ponds! I was only there for an hour, but I gather it was a great success. Hopefully this was the first of many! I have a few photos taken of the Blip Meet HERE.
Thanks Cheryl and Gavin.

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