Hockey Finals

If you are just now tuning in, this week we have been reporting on Debbi's Alternative Olympic Games.

And now back to team Bluejay... View the winning goalie, Bruiser Bluejay, in large.

Today's reported events started out on the ice. The Bluejay hockey team took on team Pileated. It was predicted to be a massacre, with the Pileateds on top... but those wily Bluejays pulled together and made it happen. That's not to say that there wasn't some questionable body-checking going on, plenty of roughing and the penalty box was never empty. But Bruiser (seen above) was the hero of the night, blocking shot after shot! Final score: Bluejays 4, Pileateds 2... What an upset!

Over in the figure skating arena, I caught up with the doubles pair, Becky and Bob Bluejay. Seen here waiting on their scores. There was a hold up as the judges argued. This seemed to confuse poor Becky, but good old Bob was as stoic as ever. In the end they placed second, bringing home the silver.

Done for the day and ready to put my feet up, I came across the sumo wrestler know as Red meditating to prepare for tomorrow's competition. Good luck Red, we'll be rooting for you tomorrow!

This is one tired reporter signing off. Enjoy the games!

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