Uncut & Unabashed

By colormesanguine

Happy Birthday to me!

Today I turned 23 years old! It was a very busy day. Ethan surprised me in the morning and made me pancakes at home! I didn't even know he was there! It was such a sweet surprise. Then I student taught from 8:45 to 3:45 which was a mess in and of itself, but everyone said I looked wonderful and wished me many happy birthdays so it was wonderful! Then I treated myself to a free yoga class courtesy of Om Factory! It was just what I needed. I'm going to definitely start taking more care of myself and treating my body better, this was the first step. I headed to class after yoga (and got there 45 minutes late, but pshh it was birthday. I do what I want) and it was ... well uneventful. UNTIL KERRI GAVE ME CUPCAKES AND EVERYONE SANG HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Ah what it is to realize that you are loved and cared for. Ethan picked me up and gave me gorgeous flowers. When I got home my mom had dinner (dominican food) and cake (tres leches cake!) set out for me!

All in all it was such a great day.

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