Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

My fridge

So today was particularly bad for Blipping. I was really busy at work pretty much the entire day, did chores at lunchtime then came home and barricaded myself in my house from the little turds who have decided to create a giant bonfire about 20 feet from everyones cars and houses.

I'm not big on bonfire day actually. I was worried the cats would be terrified but it doesn't look like they're even bothering to be honest. Linus is looking out the window and occasionally flicks his head up as a firework goes off but generally is too daft to be scared of it.

So, thus, you have a photo of my fridge. I think its things like this around your house that say a lot about a person. My monitor similarly would probably tell you a story of how unorganised I am (post its), untidy I am (coffee cups sitting at my desk) and my love of Nintendo.

Instead you get to find out that I worked for Disney, am the sort of person who has their 'bff' on their fridge and needs a recipe for the most basic of cakes.

Tomorrow's Blip will be more exciting, I promise. :)

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