Farewell Spit

Today's the day .................... to go to the end of the world

Or at least - that's what it felt like!

We headed west and then north of Nelson through such places as Motueka and Takaka to Golden Bay and Collingwood, where Will did his painting. Then even further north on the Puponga Road, right to the edge of the land - to Farewell Spit.

Over 30 kms in length, Farewell Spit is one of the longest recurved sandspits in the world. The delicate ecosystem of the area means that it is home to a rich variety of birdlife - and if you're lucky you can also see little blue penguins, fur seals and the occasional pilot whale that has become stranded in the shallow water of Golden Bay.

Because it is such a unique environment, public access is limited - but we did take a walk to Fossil Point at the southern end of the outside beach. The white sand stretched away as far as the eye could see. You can see it glinting in the distance if you look closely .................

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