The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

The journey from London to Hull ..

… has never taken so long ..

I left Vauxhall at 8 am - stopped for a maximum of an hour and a half en route and got home just before 6 pm.

Aaaargh - there were two accidents holding up the journey - one on the M62, and having taken the very lengthy and badly signposted detour, another on the A63.

The traffic was totally stationary for ages on each occasion and I was tearing my hair out - my sister had gone home and mum was expecting me by tea time - but that was never going to happen!

It was lovely and sunny, just to make it worse - what a waste of photography time!

Blipless, I suddenly noticed the sunset in my wing mirror and the side of my van and decided it would do nicely.

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