Skiing Chidlers

Bit of a cheat as I took this yesterday when they had Valerie (the boy not the girl) taking them along with one other (4 year old Ewan who Bella has mothered)!

My 2 are true snow plough warriors and Ally especially is one of those children who just point their skies down the hill and go. Bella is far more cautious (as is her nature) but is enjoying it.

Today's lesson was with Arnaud and another 4 children - 3 Irish boys so Bella is still very very happy! They did well in what was a pretty grim skiing day. Visibility was poor due to snow falling and strong winds. But we soldiered on.

Today's misfortunate incicednt occurred as I sat on the edge of a piste moaning resting - I got hit by a runaway ski. Fortunately no greater damage than a slightly bruised arm!

After dinner pub quiz tonight - the children are in very high spirits and joined in so I expect them to be suitably tired and grumpy when we wake them for their lesson tomorrow...

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