The Sitter

My reluctant subject for the week 2 technique challenge of High Key and DDW's alphabet challenge K is for High Key or Knotted Hair.

Our bathroom is tiled floor to ceiling. Gloss white tiles. I set the exposure manually so that the tiles were almost blown (on the verge of being over exposed). In Photoshop, I increased the exposure even more to completely obliterate the tiles using a layer mask to prevent the same thing from happening to Jack. I applied a little bit of surface blur to Jack's face to smooth the skin and brightened the highlights. That's it, and I'm pretty pleased with the result. I did want more white space to his left as I like that sense of white space in a high key portrait, but square crops work better in the 365 book, so I went square.

In other news, I'm back at work today (boo) and played pretty bad at badminton last night. The mazda developed an awful clonking noise on Friday so I need to get that sorted this week and the tailgate on the Zafira is not shutting, so I need to get that sorted today otherwise, I am without wheels. Owning a car can be a real pain in the *** sometimes.

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