
By todayoutof10

Blink and you'll miss it

Someone I follow on Twitter posted a beautiful short film today. It's called 'tidy' and shows him tidying up the debris from his toddler having fun. All the toys go in a box, the phone goes back on the hook, the furniture is straightened. And, lastly his discarded shoes are picked up, ready to be put away.
As he sits down, reflecting in the silence, it's clear he's missing his tearaway toddler already. The final scene shows him putting the shoes back, untidily - just as they were.
This reminded me of my own tearaway toddler and I was transported back to the constant picking up of discarded stuff. What seemed like the remnants of mess I now realise were the remnants of fun. The remnants of learning. The remnants of a life being lived happily.
As I got into my car this evening I remembered I have kept one of those remnants and I look at it every day. My 23 year old daughter's toddler shoe hangs from my rear view mirror and it constantly makes me smile .
When she got her own car, she asked for the partner shoe - which now hangs from her own rear view mirror. Cherish the time you spend with your children. Blink and you'll miss it ❤️

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