Georgia Peach

Count me in on the OldFashionSP project begun by my local friend ArtistAnnie, who was inspired by a photo that Aynil, who lives in Turkey, posted recently. It's fascinating to see all these childhood photos from different countries!

This is a studio shot of me at age 18 months. I was born in Georgia, in what was then a small town, not far from the border with Florida. My parents had a little house with a fenced yard, and there are quite a few snapshots of me garbed only in a diaper (nappie), playing with the garden hose, a small bucket, and dirt -- making mud pies, I expect.

It's interesting to contrast that photo with this snapshot taken six months later -- my curls are thicker and darker, and I look very thoughtful, with perhaps a bit of hesitancy in my gaze, as well. I would be a big sister in nine months, but didn't know it then.

Here's a recent photo of me with my son and daughter. My hair has been white for several years, and I keep my glasses close at hand, but after a life of mostly ups but certainly some downs as well, these later years are happier than I'd ever imagined I'd be, thanks in considerable measure to this dapper fellow, for which I'm immensely grateful!

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