Downhill Feather Dancing

AOG* has some unusual games, and luckily for the chickadees, one of them is Olympic Feather Dancing. Team Chickadee's style and form as they dance is like no other. It's a sport you can train for, but to display this kind of skill, well, you gotta be born with it. The chickadee taking home the gold, in the individuals, actually combined the Feather Dance with Downhill Skiing... taking this sport to a whole new level! Huge skills displayed above.

Team Bluejay was represented well, but just couldn't top the natural talent of the chickadees. On the podium we had the chickadees taking the gold and silver, with the bluejay receiving the bronze. After the medals had been handed out, I heard this sweet juvenile chickadee exclaim, "where's my medal?" Maybe in 4 years young chickadee, it takes years of practice to get as good as these medal winners!

Things were back to normal here at the AOG today. Yesterday's scare had everyone on alert, but the games have resumed and the athletes were itching to get back out there. Everyone was still a bit on edge, but other than a brief appearance of the predator we had an issue free day. Let's hope the safe conditions continue so we can keep bringing you prime time coverage of these exciting games.

*Check in with Debbi for the Alternative Olympic Game's (AOG) progress and history.

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