
By sas05


when you think life cant get more surreal it throws something up to make you think twice.. we at Martin Brower lost one of colleagues today.. Marc 44.. suffered a heart attack a week last sunday ago, deprieved of oxygen he remained in a coma until the heartwrenching decision made by his family to turn off the life support on sunday resulted in him quietly slipping away from this life to the next this afternoon. It has sent a shock wave through the company as he was so young and also a fitness nut. Just shocking how cruel and unjust life can be.
For us yesterday was spent getting a new 50 inch tele...and three new memory foam mattresses and looking at a new car ...(what a contrast given
the above) .
Have been given much food for thought out of today....i know it lives in facebook cliche`s , wishing life could be simple,, but its not...but should be.. one saying i like is a warning you find in nature reserves , "leave only footsteps, take only memories" ..sometimes we stomp around and create havoc...(well i do) most of the time its justified and sits well with situation got me beat and took me away in its torrent.. wonder what redemption can be found in that..wouldnt like to be faced like Marc above with unanswered unresolved events not closed and put at peace.

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