The View Into Narnia

And then suddenly we were dropped into the deep freeze! We experienced a couple of very cold nights in a row, which are to be followed (potentially, we don't know the exact details yet) by a nor'easter moving in, which is expected to hit Pennsylvania Wednesday night into Thursday.

Parts of the deep southern U.S. are already in the grip of an ice storm that may have devastating consequences for some. It's been a real old-fashioned winter of a winter!

About two weeks ago, I got to watch the sunrise turn the frost to mist at Millbrook Marsh on a very cold morning. So I thought I might visit there again on this day to see what I could see. Apparently the phenomenon is something that happens more often than you might expect, but you will only get to see it if you can brave the cold to get there!

And so I bundled up warmly and stopped at Millbrook Marsh first thing in the morning, just as the sunlight illuminated the area. And once again, I was treated to some wintry delights. The mist was rising and moving like a creature alive. Or like many creatures alive.

My sister, who lives in the Harrisburg area, sometimes gets to witness this same sort of phenomenon along the Susquehanna River on very cold mornings. She tells me about it on e-mail, with a wish that I could have been there with my camera to see it.

And we remember, laughing, the one time in summer that she drove along that same river with her sunroof open, with me in the passenger seat, standing up through the sunroof, taking pictures of the river and the bridges.

My sister tells me that on mornings like this, she sometimes sees angels walking in the mist along the water.

As I was following along the creek on this morning, bedazzled by winter's beauties, I remembered my sister's words; and I thought about what it might mean to be a girl who walks with angels in the mist.

This scene along the creek looked like Narnia to me. And while I'm not sure that I saw any angels myself, the frost mist transformed a dazzlingly cold central Pennsylvania scene into a white winter glimpse into heaven. Or at least it seemed that way to me . . .

The song:  Randy Newman and Valerie Carter, Heaven Is My Home, from the soundtrack to the John Travolta film, Michael. It is a movie that I love, and the soundtrack may even be better than the film. Enjoy!

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