Today's Memories

By Pxas


I mentioned a few blips ago that Ashley is struggling with fractions and that we were practicing with her. Well, the test took place on the 3rd of this month and today they received the results. Just awful! Basically a nightmare:
2x received Cs
2x received passing Ds and
the rest 11+ received Fs. Basically a failing grade.
Ashley unfortunately was the one among the 11.

What would YOU do next?!

Would you seek a conversation with the teacher knowing that he didn't prepare them well enough for a test? He knew that the class was not doing well in fractions already two weeks ago, yet he didn't apply another teaching approach. Isn't this the teacher's responsibility? Knowing that your class is failing, do something about it. Seek a conversation with the parents, give more homework, more practice tests, etc.

If they have a bad start with fractions now, they have no chance to understand math later on. It's just going to get more complicated.

Well, we asked for a meeting with the teacher sometime this week. Let's see how we can solve this problem.

What would YOU do?!

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