
By Digitalies

All is not lost (as it would appear)

Had a long discussion regarding the irony of reading about Marilyn Monroe in life magazine. I did most of the talking the cats mainly listened, with the occasional nod of approval or contempt. To be honest I don't think they were that interested.

I watched the United game (they play like Everton did for the last ten years), then the end of the Liverpool game. Don't you just hate them! I don't know why I put it on.

I decided to head to the gym to punish myself for Fulham's foolishness. I mean who in their right mind would tackle a Liverpool player in the box, especially with 5 minutes to go!

Then just when I thought the day couldn't get any worse I heard this song.

And just like that, everything felt fine....

Today is a beautiful day; like yesterday and tomorrow; was and will be.

Spiritualized 'Mississippi Space Program' - Always Forgetting with you (The bridge song)

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