Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

We'll forget the Lies and we'll even forget the Damn Lies - so let's stick with the statistics.

This summer has been the hottest on record with more than 14 days over 40 degrees C - 10 of them were over 42 degrees C. Today it's 20 degrees cooler than that.

Our February rainfall average is 12.8 mm - for the whole month.

In the last 48 hours we have had close to 10 TIMES our February rainfall average.

Quite a bit of Adelaide - down on the plains - is flooded. Luckily we are ok - the only causality was the rainwater tank pump. It gave up the ghost this morning, so we have been unable to harvest much of the rainfall. It's soaked into the ground though, so it's all good.

There's a bit of flooding in the Hills as well, but the ground is so dry, it won't hang around for long.

So personally, the only thing I can find to bitch about is the humidity - but I can live with that :)))

Another cause for celebration; I won't have to water the garden for at least a week.


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