Street Spirit

Expect anything other than total ineptitude delivered full force by the thickest fuckwits society (if you define society as cesspit of amoebas barely able to shove food into their mouths with a fork and swallow their own spit) has to offer and you face being sorely disappointed in the city of Cairo. To put it another way, expect the worst and be pleasantly surprised if something reasonably unshit happens, but not at all surprised when in fact the worst is what's delivered hour after pitiful hour.

I took this picture on the ten-minute morning walk; the only time I get to myself all day (now that my timing successfully avoids the three students who live nearby).

The rest of the day is a bit of a blur.

Now, I'm sitting on the bus on the way home. I've not blipped in a few days. I have no time. Not one second. So I'm blipping on the bus. Well, I'm trying to.

The driver is playing fucking dreadful Arabic pop music on his fucking radio at the maximum fucking volume available and I am very close to throwing myself out the back window so I don't have to listen to it any longer.

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