Growing old disgracefully



The delicate among you would call it a tummy upset - those of you who are made of sterner stuff will know what I mean if I say it was one of those conditions that cures your cough. Anyway, 12hours of that and all I wanted was some of the Prof's scrambled eggs to give me strength to get out and take a class. I blipped the eggs on my iPad - the only image I took all day. The iPad has inconveniently lost some vital password connection and would not download the image. It took me 20 minutes to work out how to do a screenshot and save it as a JPEG and then negotiate the date police at Blip and publish.

And it was a rotten image in the first place.

And now for the good news. I made it to take my class and it was restorative to be there. The question someone asked last night - are people who attend mindfulness classes self selecting warm, generous and co-operative group members, or does mindfulness make them so? I have no answer, but my anecdotal evidence is that all the groups I teach are lovely.

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