Nothing to do with Valentine's Day....

DDW's Alphabet Challenge Day 14 : Your Valentine...

Another day off work and pottering around the house getting a few things sorted out. HV came with me on the morning wander with the dogs in beautiful sunshine, and then there was a bit of paperwork to attend to before the morning slipped into lunchtime. I took the dogs out for a bit of another walk at lunchtime and got this beautiful shot of Wasdale loch, which is in front of the scrapyard that plays such a major part in our blips these days.
HV and I headed into town for her to register with the GP and then a visit to the chemist to pick up a prescription turned into a bit good luck. I have been meaning to get a decent tripod for ages, but not been able to justify the expense. The chemist had a fairly sturdy one for 35 quid. I couldn't resist. On full extension it is too tall for me to look through the viewfinder on the camera....
Back home, after HV bought herself a rake for the garden and a purple (yes purple) wheelbarrow, and we got ourselves organised to have a wee fire on the shore.
I hadn't realised how much HV liked burning things. We have now managed to burn all the wallpaper that we stripped out, plus a lot of wood from various things we have demolished in the house. It has been very satisfying.
Oh, and it has been the best Valentine's Day ever. I spent it with the girl I love :)

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