
By WeeDragon

N is for Nest

Out as far as the back garden today.

Blip attempt, best of a struggling set, couldn't get my focusing right. (And probably should have cropped it too!)

This is the nest from last year of the blackbird seen in http://www.blipfoto.com/entry/3917407. It lost it's chicks to cats and the fox, which was unfortunate as they probably were due to fledge in a couple of days.

The Bush is right at my back door, and it's now about 1.5m high, so not far off the ground for a nest, and when a blackie alarms danger outside your bedroom window, you certainly know somethings wrong.

Unfortunately, it can't be used this year as I gave the flowering current a good haircut at the back end of the year, and there seems to be a slow start in leafing itself. But the leaves that are there, were enjoying getting in my way of Blippng!

Birds are paired up and ready to go, all they need now is some decent weather to get the nests organised.

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