Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Disappointed waterfowl

Spent the morning pottering about. JR has been doing lots of housework - I think my minimum levels of house maintenance are not quite good enough…

The day turned out to be rather nice in the afternoon, so I popped out in the car, so as not to feel guilty watching the steam cleaning of the floors, hoovering under sofas and sorting of cupboards.

Visited the loch in the park, and I was there for ages. It wasn’t even cold. A man and his young son arrived with a humungous bag of white baps. Uh-oh. Not the best for the birds, but you see this all the time.

However, he stopped and read the wee notice saying how unsuitable white bread is for water fowl, surrounded by expectant waterfowl. And pigeons.

What will he do… read it, and then ignore the advice, so as not to disappoint the wee lad?

He stood up, had a conversation with the increasingly unhappy wee lad, rubbed the wee lad’s head, and walked off. He went past me, and I commiserated with him regarding the disappointed child (not to mention the disappointed waterfowl) but added that white bread wasn’t good for them. He said he’d throw it away. They went over into the park, I think, to throw it for the gulls. I think gulls can handle it better, after all, they eat just about anything.

I was pleased to see one member of the public reading an informative public notice and taking heed!

Not that I advocate always obeying signs...

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