Mama approves!

Gosh it's rather blustery today ....... we have had some really strong gusts ...... one even blew a Collared Dove clean off the fence!!! Didn't have my camera in hand at that moment unfortunately! Typical!

I am pleased to say Mama Blackbird has also given the new feeder trays her 'seal of approval' ....... that means all of the birds are now using them! Luckily they are in a relatively sheltered spot so the birds didn't get blown away! :-)

So here is today's offering ...... do hope you like it :-)

Murder Squad update: Sightings of the 'Suspect' have been pouring in ...... ranging all the way from Edinburgh to London ....... the detectives are checking up on all of these as I type. Hopefully an arrest will follow shortly!

Hope you are all having a good weekend & are not having too many problems with all these horrid storms!

Thanks so much for dropping by :-)

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