Finished Project

Thursday was a busy, but really fun day for me at work. I had the opportunity to work with a friend I haven't spent time with since December, so it was a real treat. Sugar had a good day at school, and her dance classes went well.

We hurried home to fine that our Fridge/Freezer was up and running again! WOO HOO! Good news!

We had a lot to get done before bedtime though. We packed up her Valentine's for her classmates, and stuck them in her backpack. We packed up her suitcase for the upcoming visit to Grandma and Grandpa's farm this weekend. Sugar took a shower and washed her hair. I'm working on letting her do such things without my assistance, but it is hard to let go....when did she get so big???? sigh.

Snuggles and reading in bed. Held her a little longer as I knew I'd be missing these bedtimes while she is away.

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