
After our dinner party last night with friends we go to bed about 02:00

Claire cooked:
Olives, various salami, rolls.
Asparagus wrapped in parma ham with a poached egg on top
Fillet steak with dauphinoise potatoes stuffed mushrooms, sugar snap peas, vine tomatoes and peppercorn sauce.
Claire's home made ice cream
Cheese and biscuits.

Washed down with various wines including Italian Barolo, Australian Pinot Noir and Chilean Merlot. Followed by some chocolate grappa, orange chocolate Baileys, then for those who could take it - Julia and me - a nice 12 year old malt whisky!

Another busy day today. Had a quick trip to Swindon looking for bits to do some more water drop photography tomorrow. But couldn't find what I needed.

Then back to help Claire tidy up as she prepared a roast dinner, chicken and pork for family coming over.

Followed by a collapse in front of the TV. Claire and I watched another episode of Homeland, then Eleanor came in and we watched another couple of episodes of Breaking Bad. Just don't seem to be interested in any other TV at the moment!

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