
By Brookeside


Brooke wasn't feeling very well last night (think the teething monster paid her a visit) but she seemed much better today however would not nap! I was working overtime so Gregg took her out a walk and went to his parents. When I got back I went straight over and we had a lovely late lunch/early dinner. We stayed til after Brooke's dinner then had to figure out how to keep her awake for the brief drive home. The solution was cbeebies app on the iPhone :) She was so engrossed she didn't even yawn on the way home. Got in, quick bath and she was out within 5 minutes!

Brooke's started roaring like raa raa its really funny and she's started randomly singing "how do you do" from toddler sense throughout the day. We've had a lot more conversations and its getting pretty easy to know what she's after. The response to most questions these days is 'alright' very, very cute in her little voice.

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