Gaia's Child

By maura143

Well Deserved

Megan, Proudly of Team Snowy Egret…is enjoying a Well Deserved moment of personal hygiene. She has Shaken Off her loss to Gerty Gallinule in the DownHill Flying Competition. Megan stated, in a calm even voice, that she is done with the DownHill and will not be competing in another AOG. She added that she is Comfortable with her decision and will continue to cheer Team Snowy Egret on to future victories.

Meanwhile, at other venues…Team WoodStork has realized Victory in the Alpine Soaring Event! Soaring First Place Winner!

Also things got a little 'Testy' at the Competitors' Dining Area yesterday...No one was injured, Thankfully!

And in Unrelated News…A little Foal was born a couple of weeks ago and we got a glimpse of her/him napping. Mom is a member of a herd of wild horses that calls Paynes Prairie…Home. Take a Peek Here, but shhhh! The baby's sleeping!

And for those of you who enjoyed…Ride the Red Pony from yesterday…here's are a few out takes from that shoot. I wasn't able to link to Flickr yesterday because of an Internet
problem...Ride the Red Pony! Hope you enjoy:)

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