Wakitipu Evening

The Bossess needed a lift over to Queenstown late this afternoon so The Boss volunteered and took his camera. No surprise there.
Altho it is just over a hill so to bark, the weather conditions can be very different between us and often Queenstown will have a cool Southerly breeze while we have a warm Northerly one. It is amazing what a range of mountains can do.
I thought that there was a clear case of sexual discrimination going on as The Bossess had this large suitcase to hold several outfits for the week. The Boss thought that a bloke would only take 1 suit but a blokess is expected to have a different outfit on every day for the same organisation. The Boss wondered who invented that and thought that it may have been a bloke who was trying to harden the glass ceiling or was a bird watcher. This really confused me, easy, The Boss says, and I can’t see what business outfits have got to do with Bird Watching unless people carry binoculars and have long lunch breaks and 300mm lenses. I may be accused of rabbiting on but hare’s the thing, are there different work dress standards for blokes and blokesses or do ladies just prefer to be better dressers?
AND if a Blokess was CEO of Apple would she do public announcements wearing jeans? And if not WHY not. The Boss really likes girls in jeans. heh heh heh

All entries must be accompanied with a small pack of cheese and the judge’s decision will be confused.

Yes, that is Queenstown airport at the top so the pilots have to be specially trained to operate here and the bloke pilots wear the same as the blokess ones too. (or the other way round if you are south pawed)

Check the runway

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