You're One In A Million

Well, one in 3,000 actually. That's how many family photographs there are in this mosaic at LaLaPort Koshien. We had our photograph taken a few weeks ago and it is included in this mosaic. Can you find it? Arthur did. Here's a clue; it looks like this and it is in this general area.

What a lovely day it's been. Started off with a 10 km run in 59 minutes, followed by a delicious meal at the Red Cliff Chinese restaurant in LaLaPort We bought some terrific half-priced clothes and now we are looking forward to playing bingo tonight. I hope your day has been equally enjoyable.

One In A Million - Bosson

(P.S. - I was only joking; I don't really expect you to find our photo in the mosaic. Ain't I a stinker?)

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