Overcast Hoy

DDW's Alphabet Challenge Day 16 : O is for...

Another rainy start this morning, or was it hailstones that were battering on the window... We pottered, slowly watching the heavy hail and rain showers sweep across the windows, sorting things around the house.

Lunchtime came and we donned waterproofs and headed out with the dogs. The rain came on, and then there was some hail, and some sleet. It was a bit unpleasant. I heard on the radio the other day that electrical engineers trying to restore power in the south of England were unable to do so because the wind was so strong they couldn't get the van door open. And then they were battered with hailstones. That happens a lot here, you learn to park more carefully....

Anyway, down to the scrapyard and a shot of the same view as I blipped on Valentine's Day, whilst HV sheltered from some of the rain...

Home now, dogs fed and dried and we have hot coffee...

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