
By treegonk

Gonk Blip Pub Guide 2

Almost as good as the pubs themselves, it has taken almost a year for me to get to number two in my Gonk Blip Pub Guide.


The Horse and Anchor, Wishaw, Lanarkshire.
(AKA = 'The Wheel and Ashtray')

(I'm not singling out Lanarkshire, it is pure coincidence that no.1 was there too.)

On tap - all the best boozes at the best prices.
Free - pork scratchings, or barmaid's scratchings - your choice.
Free on-pavement parking.
Hanging baskets of seasonal flowers.

GBPG Top Trump Scores:
Wifi access = unlikely
Lovely dancing ladies = no, but you better tell them they are anyway
Milky latte/cappucino availability = possibly, but requests may result in eviction

The Gonk Blip Pub Guide accepts no responsibility for food-poisoning or baseball bat injuries.

Back-blipped a few from here, including some more fishy stories.

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