Cycling Granny and Will Llwynbedw

Today's the day ................... for a riverside walk

We were very kindly invited to join the Wanaka Walkers (Slow Group) for their weekly walk today - so it was a 10.00am rendezvous at the Public Toilets Car Park.

The walk was along the Upper Clutha River Track which goes from the outlet of the river from Lake Wanaka to the small settlement of Luggate and beyond.  The river is a wonderful emerald-green colour which is something to do with the fine suspension of silts that is held by the water from its glacier origin.  The track gives a fine view over the river and the surrounding countryside.

We didn't get as far as Luggate but we had covered a fair distance by the end of the walk.  I was glad we were with the slow group because they seemed pretty fit to me - and I know I'm going to be stiff tomorrow!  But it was great to spend time with these lovely, friendly, welcoming people.

Thank you for inviting us ......................

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