
By shy

Behind the supermarket

Having got back from Devon late on Friday night, and being completely knackered, I was able to have a lie-in this morning until just before lunch. After all that well-deserved sleep I was able to get up feeling...totally knackered.

The aim of the day was to get Flick a new CF card, and of course, the compulsory blips. A salesman was able to persuade me that it was a brilliant idea to spend £40 on a card instead of £20 because the packet was a nice bright red and there was something about some free software that I could download off the internet and use it to process RAW files.

Flick wanted to use the new card straight away and take pictures over the side of the multi storey car park, but we had a little problen getting the blister-pack open.
I am finding more and more that these things are imposssible to get into without the help of a pickaxe and blowtorch. After 15 minutes of tugging, tearing, setting fire to it and assaulting it with various keys, we finally got it open, and she was able to take her pictures over the side whilst I was thinking about jumping off.

Things calmed down as we drove to our newly-discovered worked-out stone quarry behind the local supermarket. We were listening to a CD of Akedi's wife singing like an angel. It was mellow, relaxing and wonderful. Thanks for that Akedi.

The picture is of some growing things in the quarry that were shot in RAW and processed through our newly downloaded software. Unfortunately, I spent so long experimenting that I missed Dr.Who.


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