
By Lazio_Lad


Edinburgh for a long weekend.
Armstrongs for some finery,
followed by the Museum of Scotland.
Then a walk to the top of the meadows for coffee
as the sky proceeded to go magical colours.

1. in architecture, bars, or ribs, used decoratively in windows or other openings; the term also applies to similar forms used in relief as wall decoration (sometimes called blind tracery), and hence, figuratively, to any intricate line pattern.
The term is applicable to the system of window decoration developed in Europe during the Gothic period as well as to the pierced marble screens common in Mughal India and the pierced cement windows of Persia, Turkey, and Egypt.
2. any delicate, interlacing work of lines as in carving or embroidery
Hope you had a good weekend
will back blip and catch up with you all!

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