The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline


This Monday blip definitely reflects the feeling in our house.

Steve's 40 balloons are slowly losing the will to float.

Today was another day where everyone just comes to tell me the problems we have which we know about. If people spend less time flagging and going on about this stuff and we got the same energy trying to find ways to resolve it I am sure we could be incredibly successful. PMA people, PMA.

(Positive Mental Attitude).

Trying really hard to diet but there is too much chocolate in the house. I need to find some way to reduce it/ remove it from temptation. Perhaps a no chocolate Mon-Friday rule should be in place?

Bath and book time I think before a much needed sleep. The kittens are in the habit of weird and wonderful sleeping positions which impacts my sleep. This morning I woke with Rosie stretched out and sleeping across my neck. She isn't the small one either....

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