
Claire took Meg to the Vets this morning as I was too busy in the office.

With another large lump coming up on top of her paw, the Vet confirmed this will continue to happen, but we won't put her through an operation again!

Got to the end of the day totally ragged with no chance of a photo. So my back up, Meggy chops was getting ready to follow Claire to bed, when I put the camera on the floor and she gave me that look! 'What AGAIN' Bless her.

With so much going on, we may have a big blow today as Eleanor ended up with a serious back problem. We had to call the Doc out as she could't move.

It is possible she may have to go to hospital tomorrow, which in turn means one of our friends will end up later in the week, with return train tickets to London for three, tickets to see Mamma Mia at the theatre and a Hotel all paid for! But keeping our fingers crossed that the drugs they have given her sort it out!

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