Dare Mighty Things

By dcomp

It's oh so quiet, it's oh so still..

This photo was taken a week ago but through the wonders of technology and the fact that I am almost a week behind on my Blips purely because a ridiculously busy period at work hit, means that I am able to post it to the correct day.

After a really lovely hour playing crazy golf with Emilio while Isabelle was at a party, we walked towards the Amusements to play the 2p machines. As we did, this was the sight that met us looking east from Hastings across the boating lake, currently drained to a low level due to the recent storms and floods.

I was able to capture a few pictures this evening. I chose one of the best two and then chose not to crop or filter it. Yeah I caught the railings in the corner but who cares really? That's a bloody good picture of part of a town that takes some bad press.

Oh, and the white spot at the top of the picture isn't a blemish, it's the moon!

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