Not the Best...

...view to be found of Bellingham, but one that's very familiar to us.

It's the route we usually take to go downtown, and on a dark day like today, as we headed for the Y, the signs for the pervasive chain restaurants and gas stations were the only bright spots.

Phil drove today, and even though the rain made it challenging for me to take photos through the windshield/windscreen between passes of the wiper blades, watching our usual route unfold in Dramatic Tone did make for an interesting experience!

Most Americans wouldn't notice this image, but I thought it might be interesting for those of you in other countries. Just remember, there's more to the United States than big trucks and chain eateries!

(At the other end of the day, back at the Y again, Phil found a beautiful sunset!)

(My son is coming Tuesday morning for a brief visit, so I'm likely to be back-blipping and slow to comment for a couple of days.)

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