
By Akasha


At Christmas my sister MissTracy purchased tickets for herself, Dad and me to have an evening of nostalgia. When we were in our very early teens and we went on holiday to Bridlington (where we now live) Dad used to get us tickets to go see the wrestling at the Spa Theatre. We used to watch Wresting on TV (when wrestling was a sport and not this ridiculous WWF rubbish). My grandma and granddad used to come on holiday with us and grandma liked to go see the wrestling, however we soon discovered that dad let us go to wrestling with him so he could have someone to be embarrassed with as Grandma was one of these old ladies who used to go down to the ring side and clobber the wrestler who was cheating with her handbag. Hilarious I know.
Last night was more like the WWF stuff...so you can imagine! The wrestlers were so young, they looked to be no older than 20 years old if that. We made the best of the evening and are still laughing about it this morning. I was amazed to see how many young children were there, it was like a crèche for rabid kids hell baying for blood.... All in all a most hilarious night.

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