Vie's journal

By Vie


I'm uploading this like 2 weeks late because we took this on Tom's camera so excuse the vagueness of the entry.

Tom's birthday. Such sparkle. Much Exposure. Wow.

Very long day, took the car for MOT, turns out I needed the log book. Turns out that's back at home. What should have been an hour long jobby took 2 and a half. I missed lunch. This upset me.

Then met Alex for a drink. T'was odd. It was the first time we've spoken really in months. Two large glasses of red were consumed. I felt a bit tiddled.

Kat came round before Tom's birthday, Robin and I got to have massive chats. I remember there was pride because of a be kind rewind reference (at least, I vaguely remember it was some sort of reference to something similar). Scotch was drank. Pints of water were downed by a drunken party guest. Drunk ball started. And long exposures. They were fun.

I enjoy that Tom looks like a wizarding ghost.

Hmm. Turns out I remembered quite a bit actually >.<

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