Vihantasalmi Bridge

Driving back to Helsinki. On the highway 5 there’s world’s longest wooden bridge in highway use. (In the picture). It goes across Lahnavesi lake. The grand opening of the bridge was in 1999.

At that point we had driven about 3,5 hours and we still had few hours left to drive.

It was nice to visit Ylä-Savo since it didn’t rain as it did meanwhile in Helsinki and snow was still on the ground. The dogs enjoyed the lack of showers after walks. Buddha was into all the mice and moles under the snow cover and he really dig himself into the snow. At times we only saw his tail and butt. He had lots of fun! It was his first time there. Amadeus and Nelson took everything in their 4-year-old experience and just calmly enjoy their time at the countryside.

It’s great to be home and have vacation left. I have a lot of washing to do, but mainly I’ll just hang around doing nothing or anything I’ll feel like.

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