
By Moiety

At Villa Tyven today at 4pm

I sorted out all my paintings and watercolours that were piled up in a bedroom and transported them to my mother's for storage... Lucky riddance!

We have open house on Sunday and the real estate agent told me that I need to get rid of all the extra clutter in the house for that :)

Paula helped me go through stuff for sale at flea market Tarina in Tampere - we got together loads of clothes, toys, books etc. Hopefully they will sell well!

Went to Tyven in the afternoon after the visit to my mother's, and had a quiet, relaxing moment there because the packing continued.

The closest neighbour, a farmer, told me that they had seen a wolf in their yard yesterday evening - their house is just 300meters from Tyven - amazing that wolves have come so close to people...

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