
Pointless blip. Story behind featured Wah-Wah; found it in Smack Generator for £40, didn't bother checking if it worked as it was so cheap, got it home, it didn't work, changed the battery and in the process broke the clever Smack Generator get out clause seal specifically placed on the plate you have to remove to access the battery. Still didn't work.

That was about 13 years ago. Still have it. Never managed to bother my arse to get it fixed.

It ended up on the kitchen table when I was explaing Jimi Hendrix's sound to David after he'd whapped Axis: Bold As Love on (excellent choice by a 9 year old, I might add).

Today was good with the kids, I let them skateboard & roller-skate to holiday club. Arduous but OK at work; I think most of the obstacles have be traversed, it's now just tediously boring effort remaining.

Let the kids stay up late to watch the Barca game, was just running a bath and nearly forgot about it. After I post this, it will be tea tree oil infused bath time.

Got a text that pleased me this evening, splendid.

Nowt planned other than work the morn, better tidy the flat actually. Winnie arriving Thursday, madness will ensue Friday, Monday off. Things have been timed pretty well this time.

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